Theology at the Bottleworks #156 | Transhumanism, Science Fiction, & the Future of Humanity

As human technological enhancement increasingly moves from sci-fi to reality, what are the implications for our future? Join the conversation at Schlafly Bottleworks Wednesday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m. as we discuss "Transhumanism, Science Fiction, and the Future of Humanity."

Theology at the Bottleworks is a monthly public discussion that takes up the most interesting and important issues of our day, bringing together an amazing diversity of interesting people. It’s the best public discussion in town. We meet the third Wednesday of each month. Come have a brew, share your view, and lend an ear to others.' Always free and open to absolutely anyone.

Event Properties

Event Date 03-21-2018 6:30 pm
Event End Date 03-21-2018 8:30 pm
Location Schlafly Bottleworks